
UI Breakfast Podcast Interview

I recently spoke with Jane Portman from the UI Breakfast podcast. We discussed Design for the Mind and the applications of principles of psychology to digital design. I enjoyed the interview, even when she tried to call me out for contradicting myself :) Take a listen here -

Social Math, Making Complex Data Meaningful - User Experience Magazine

Complex numerical data can be difficult to present in a way that is both meaningful and understandable to your audience. What exactly does the number of calories in a Big Mac mean to your daily caloric intake? Why exactly should you care about the amount of garbage the average U.S. citizen produces in a day? Often, design teams are tasked with making this type of data meaningful to a broad audience. Social math provides a method and a means to make data on social issues, such as water conservation visually meaningful to laypeople.

Ensuring the Usability of your Design: The Case for User Research - Wireless Design and Development

Wireless product design is complex and constantly evolving. The usefulness of any wireless product only extends as far as its usability. User research allows wireless design and development teams to ensure products are usable, and to identify trouble areas that might require redesign or more focused user training. No wireless strategy is complete without accounting for user research on current and future wireless products.

Persuasion: Applying the Elaboration Likelihood Model to Design - A List Apart

Persuasion isn’t a slick ad pitch or a campaign promise. It’s inherent to the content, style, and delivery of our messages, for better or for worse. Everything we say, do, and design has an impact on how our message is perceived—so why not put that power to work for you on the web? Victor Yocco shows us how to incorporate a deeper understanding of the psychological underpinnings of persuasion into our designs, allowing us to better reach—and win—the hearts of our users.

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