UI Breakfast Podcast Interview

I recently spoke with Jane Portman from the UI Breakfast podcast. We discussed Design for the Mind and the applications of principles of psychology to digital design. I enjoyed the interview, even when she tried to call me out for contradicting myself :) Take a listen here - http://uibreakfast.com/28-persuasive-design-victor-yocco/

Podcast Appearance - User Defenders with Jason Ogle

I had the opportunity to appear as a guest on the User Defenders podcast. I had a great conversation with host Jason Ogle, as we discussed everything from how I found myself in UX research, alcohol abuse, and my take on the future of design and academia. I hope you enjoy listening. http://userdefenders.com/podcast/017-the-value-of-the-theory-is-in-the-application-with-victor-yocco/

How to Personalize the Online Patient Experience

Patients' experience of a hospital or health care provider extends beyond the physical walls of your facility: Your organization's online experience is also a key component of patient satisfaction. Personalization is a design approach that allows you to create deeper engagement and a more satisfying online experience for your patients. All health care providers should be providing personalized online experiences to patients and their families.

Social Math, Making Complex Data Meaningful - User Experience Magazine

Complex numerical data can be difficult to present in a way that is both meaningful and understandable to your audience. What exactly does the number of calories in a Big Mac mean to your daily caloric intake? Why exactly should you care about the amount of garbage the average U.S. citizen produces in a day? Often, design teams are tasked with making this type of data meaningful to a broad audience. Social math provides a method and a means to make data on social issues, such as water conservation visually meaningful to laypeople.

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